A Brief Description of the Project |
Many decisions in domains such as production, finance, logistics, planning, and economics, can be supported by optimization models. However, decision makers are often intimidated by the mathematical formalism of the corresponding model management tools and tend to keep their distance from them. Moreover, when these optimization models are encapsulated into user-friendly systems, this often leads to ad hoc software difficult to extend and to maintain. Finally, most of the existing applications poorly support the cooperative nature of decisions involving several actors.
The Dicodess project precisely tries to solve these problems by implementing a new vision for distributed decision support systems. First, systems based on Dicodess hide the optimization models and their dry formalism behind a generic, reusable user friendly user interface (see screenshots). Decision makers can then perform complex what-if analysis without writing a single line of model code! Then, systems based on Dicodess rely on an innovative distributed architecture allowing several actors to dynamically get together in autonomous network groupings called federations, on a LAN or WLAN, to solve problems without being hampered by technical issues.
This research project is held by the DSS Group of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. More information can be found in the following publications. You can also send an e-mail to alexandre [dot] gachet [at] unifr [dot] ch.
Publications |
Book / Book chapter / Journal articles |

Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2005) "Development Processes of Intelligent Decision Making Support Systems: Review and Perspective", to appear in in Gupta, J., Forgionne G., and Mora, M. (eds) Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems (I-DMSS): Foundations, Applications and Challenges, Springer-Verlag, London [forthcoming]
Gachet, A. and P. Brézillon (2005) "Organizational Structures and Decision Making Processes: A Multi-Level Model", to appear in Journal of Decision Systems
Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2005) "The Virtual Twin: A Socialization Agent for Peer-to-Peer Networks", International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 1(2):56-67.
Gachet, A. (2004) "Building Model-Driven Decision Support Systems with Dicodess", vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland (ISBN: 3-7281-2952-6).
Gachet, A. (2003) "A Software Framework for Developing Distributed Cooperative Decision Support Systems", inaugural dissertation, UniPrint, Fribourg.
Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2003) "A Jini-based Software Framework for Developing Distributed Cooperative Decision Support Systems", Software - Practice & Experience 33(3): 221-258.
Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2003) "A Decentralized Approach to Distributed DSS", Journal of Decision Systems 12(2): 141-158.
Gachet, A. (2003) "Software Frameworks for Developing Decision Support Systems - A New Component in the Classification of DSS Development Tools", Journal of Decision Systems 12(3/4): 271-281
Conference proceedings |
Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2004) "The Virtual Twin: A Socialization Agent for Peer-to-Peer Networks", 4th International ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, February 29-March 2, Madeira, Portugal.
Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2003) "Developing Intelligent Decision Support Systems: A Bipartite Approach", in Palade V., Howlett R.J., Lakhmi J. (eds) Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, proceedings of the 7th KES Conference, Springer-Verlag (LNAI 2774), Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: pp. 87-93
Gachet, A. and P. Haettenschwiler (2003) "Distributed Decision Support Systems - A Federalist Model of Cooperation", in Bisdorff R. (editor) Human Centered Processes - Distributed Decision Making and Man-Machine Cooperation, proceedings of the 14th MINI EURO Conference, Luxembourg: pp. 211-216
Gachet, A. (2002) "A New Vision for Distributed Decision Support Systems", in Adam F., Brézillon P., Humphreys P., Pomerol J.-C. (eds) Decision Making and Decision Support in the Internet Age, proceedings of the DSIage 2002 Conference, Oak Tree Press, Cork, Ireland: pp. 341-352
Gachet, A. (2002) "A Software Framework for Developing Distributed Decision Support Systems", Ph.D. Consortium, DSIage 2002 Conference, University College Cork, Ireland: pp. 68-87
Gachet, A. (2002) "Software Frameworks for Developing Decision Support Systems - A New Component in the Classification of DSS Development Tools", 12th MINI EURO Conference on DSS, April 2-5, Brussels, Belgium
Gachet, A. (2001) "A Framework for Developing Distributed Cooperative Decision Support Systems - Inception Phase", 4th Informing Science Conference, June 19-22 Kraków, Poland |
Reports / working papers / miscellaneous |
Gachet, A., and P. Haettenschwiler (2004) "Teaching Model-Driven Decision Support Systems with Dicodess", Working Paper 04-15, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gachet, A., P. Haettenschwiler, R. Feldmann (2004) "Single-User vs. Distributed DSS for Collective Decision Making: A Case Study", Working Paper 04-02, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gachet, A. (2003) "Building Distributed DSS with Dicodess - A Quick Start Tutorial", Working Paper 03-21, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Shaikh, R. (2003) "Reporting Application for Decision Support Systems", Diploma Paper, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Feldmann, R. (2003) "Kommunikationsdienste für Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme - Konzeption und Implementation von Diensten basierend auf der Technologie Jini", Diploma Paper, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G., J. Pasquier and A. Gachet (2002) "Security Models for the Jini Networking Technology: A Case Study", Working Paper 02-07, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gachet, A. (2002) "A Software Framework for Developing Distributed Cooperative Decision Support Systems - Construction Phase", Working Paper 02-02, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gachet, A. (2001) "A Software Framework for Developing Distributed Cooperative Decision Support Systems - Elaboration Phase", Working Paper 01-25, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gachet, A. and T. Huerlimann (2001) "Internet Solver für LPL", Working Paper, 01-08, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gachet, A. (2001) "Using a Windows DLL in the J2SE, J2EE and Jini Environments - A Real-World Example", Working Paper 01-03, University of Fribourg, Switzerland